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What is the purpose of the Voice to Parliament? How would the Voice be designed and why? What mechan

Questions and AnswersPosted On:2023-07-31 13:22:19Viewed:138

What is the purpose of the Voice to Parliament? How would the Voice be designed and why? What mechanism would be used for selecting members and what advice would it give?

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Last updated on:2023-07-31 13:22:19

The "Voice to Parliament" refers to a proposed advisory body that would provide a platform for Indigenous Australians to have their voices heard in the federal political process. The purpose of the Voice to Parliament is to give Indigenous Australians a greater say in the issues that affect them, and to ensure that their perspectives are taken into account when policies are being developed and decisions are being made.

The design of the Voice to Parliament would likely involve consultation with Indigenous communities to ensure that it meets their needs and reflects their diverse perspectives. It could take the form of a representative body, made up of Indigenous Australians from different regions and communities, or it could be a more participatory body that provides opportunities for all Indigenous Australians to have their voices heard.

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In general, the Voice to Parliament is a system that is being suggested with the goal of providing Indigenous Australians with a larger say in the political process and ensuring that their points of view are taken into consideration when policies are formulated and choices are made. To ensure that it satisfactorily fulfills the requirements of Indigenous communities, its conception and execution would need to be approached with extreme caution and after extensive consultation.

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