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Is the ending couplet really a non-rhyming couplet? It seems plausible that "eternally" could rhyme

Questions and AnswersPosted On:2023-08-05 11:37:37Viewed:166

Is the ending couplet really a non-rhyming couplet? It seems plausible that "eternally" could rhyme with "die". Any linguists out there?

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Last updated on:2023-08-05 11:37:37

I can't claim to be a linguist, but I do know a little bit about sonnets.

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I seem to recall reading poems in which the -ly suffix is used as a rhyme with words like dielierye, etc.; unfortunately for you, I can't recall where.  So, you have a little homework tonight.  Go to the second link below and browse through some of John Donne's poetry; see if you can find another example of -ly being pronounced like lie.

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  • 2023-08-05 11:40:45

    You are correct. The term "non-rhyming couplet" is typically used to describe a couplet in which the final two lines do not rhyme. However, in the context of the phrase you provided, "eternally" and "die" could indeed be considered as rhyming.
    The perception of rhyme can vary depending on the specific accent or dialect of English used, as well as personal interpretation. In many accents, "eternally" and "die" may rhyme because they share the same ending sound "-ee" or "-i". In other accents, they may not rhyme as clearly.
    Poetry often involves creative use of language, and slight variations in pronunciation or interpretation can lead to different perceptions of rhyme. As such, what may be considered rhyming to one person might not be perceived the same way by another.
    In any case, the appreciation of poetry and its nuances is subjective, and interpretations can vary from individual to individual.

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