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The Red Envelope Questions for Analysing a Text

Tutors ProblemsPosted On:2023-07-31 11:55:45Viewed:154
Questions for Analysing a Text
1. Did you like or dislike the story/poem/play? Why or why not?
Plot and Structure
1. What happens in the story?
2. What kind(s) of conflict do you see?
1. When and where did the story take place?
1. What is the author’s attitude toward the subject area?
2. How does the tone affect the meaning?
1. Which character does the reader most closely identify with? This character is the protagonist. Is
there an antagonist (someone in conflict with the protagonist)?
2. Character evaluation might include the use of adjectives, such as “flat,” “stale,” “round,” and
3. What are the motives for one or more of the characters’ actions?
4. How are the characters interacting with each other and with their environment?
5. Do you see any changes in the characters’ actions, motivations, and/or interactions?
Point of View
1. If the words “I,” “me,” or “my” appear outside of the dialogue in a story, then the first person
point of view is being used.
2. Is the narrator biased or unreliable?
3. The third person point of view tells the story entirely by making references to the other
characters in the story—there will be no instances of “I” or “you” outside of the dialogue.
1. What is the message or main point of the text?
2. What is the work of literature saying about humanity, the world, and/or some event?
3. What is the meaning of the text?
4. What does the title suggest about the theme of the story, poem, or play?
Images and Symbols
1. What pictures does a reader create while reading the text?
2. What characters or objects are symbolic (stand for other things)? For example, a rose may stand
for love, and a thorn may stand for a painful aspect of love.
4. What do the images in the work of literature suggest to a reader?

Best Answer



Solved by verified expert

Last updated on:2023-07-31 11:55:45

Answer & Explanation:

Plot and Structure
The question is asking whether you liked or disliked the story, poem, or play and why. To answer this question, you need to consider the plot and structure of the piece.

When evaluating the plot, think about how engaging and interesting it was. Did it capture your attention from the beginning? Were there any unexpected twists or turns that kept you engaged? Did the story have a clear beginning, middle, and end?

Next, consider the structure of the piece. This refers to how it is organized and presented. Did it flow smoothly from one scene or stanza to another? Was there a logical progression of events or ideas? Did the structure enhance your understanding of the story/poem/play?

By analyzing both plot and structure, you can form an opinion on whether you liked or disliked the piece. Make sure to provide specific examples from the text to support your reasoning.

Example explanation:
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  • The characters are interacting with each other and with their environment in a way that suggests they are trying to resolve the conflict. This might be because they are communicating with each other in order to find a solution, or because they are physically moving around in order to achieve their goals. The characters might also be interacting with their environment in a way that suggests they are trying to understand the conflict. For example, they might be observing their surroundings or collecting information about the conflict.

  • These interactions might be different for the protagonist and the antagonist. For example, the protagonist might be interacting with the antagonist in a way that suggests they are trying to find a solution, while the antagonist might be interacting with the protagonist in a way that suggests they are trying to further their own interests.


  • There are changes in the characters' actions, motivations, and/or interactions as they try to resolve the conflict. For example, the characters might start to communicate with each other more in order to find a solution. Or, the characters might start to physically move around more in order to achieve their goals. Additionally, the characters might start to interact with their environment in a way that suggests they are trying to understand the conflict.

  • These changes might be different for the protagonist and the antagonist. For example, the protagonist might start to communicate with the antagonist more in order to find a solution, while the antagonist might start to physically move around more in order to achieve their goals.

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